Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Contigo & Questions book

The CBSE Board has dedicated this academic session 2020 -21 for 'Competency Based Learning' skills connected to Critical & thinking, Problem Solving, Collaboration and Communication are core to successful in 21 st Century. 'Cogita' and  'The Question book' to promote them through joyful readings.These comic books will also be a good resource to students for PISA 2022.                                    CBSE Website :- http://www.cbseacademic.nic.in/web material/comic books/Cogita.pdf                                                                        http://www.cbseacademic.nic.in/web material/Comic Book/The Question Book.pdf.                                            Please everybody read it.both these Cartoon Series may be disseminated to the teacher, students parents.